Powwow of the Nonhuman

A Celebration of Indigenous Cultures Among Therians and Otherkind

Powwow of the Nonhuman is the first ever powwow centering around indigenous therians and otherkind! This event seeks to celebrate and represent indigenous nonhumans from all around the world!

Our Mission and Purpose

•The powwow of the nonhuman seeks to create a platform for the celebration and representation of indigenous otherkind and their unique, rich cultures. In the therian and otherkind communities, indigenous peoples have been sadly underrepresented and fragmented, with no spaces or events of our own to enjoy. We want to change that here at the powwow of the nonhuman, we want to unite fellow indigenous peoples and indigenous allies alike to share in the rich and unique traditions, cultures, and customs of indigenous peoples from everywhere in the world.

Why a Powwow for Therians and Otherkind?

As indigenous people who are also nonhuman identifying individuals, we have a unique connection to the nature, medicine, spirits, and energy of our Mother Earth, Father Sky, and Great Creator/Great Spirit. We have a unique viewpoint of this earth, experiencing both humanity and animality, holding a connection with both human society and nature. In a way, we are the animal people and the plant people living the human experience. We should embrace both our human culture and our nonhuman experiences and find a balance with this sacred duality we hold.

What Does Therian and Otherkind Mean?

•To be therian or otherkind means an individual identifies in some way, shape, or form as an animal or nonhuman being. Common beliefs among therians and otherkind include believing that an individual experienced a past life as an animal or nonhuman being, believing that an individual has the soul or spirit of an animal or nonhuman being, believing that an individual is living a concurrent life with an animal or nonhuman being, and/or believing that an individual has the mind or psychology of an animal or nonhuman being. It is important to note though that these are far from the only experiences that therians and otherkind experience, since the nonhuman identifying experience cannot be simply defined by strict terms or concepts. Every experience with nonhumanity is individual, unique, and varied.